Sunday, April 15, 2007


One thing we do about 5x's a day in my rehab program is a thing called a "check-in" where we go around the room, re-introduce ourselves, and run over some very basic facts. Since I've been unable to write, I'm going to do a check-in for you guys, just like I do all day, everyday:

Name: Eric
Drug of Abuse: Alcohol
Days Clean: 6
Cravings on a scale of 1-10: 3
2 Feelings: Alert, Feel like I need a new pair of jeans.
Recovery Behavior: Went to bed at a reasonable hour on a Saturday night.
Relapse Behavior:

Good Morning everyone. Today is Sunday, day of God. Make sure that all you believers out there make a little time to give some thanks.

1 comment:

little homie said...
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