Thursday, March 8, 2007


Oh yes, Mercury you retrograding fool, you. Oh what you have done to me over the course of these last many years. On your watch I've endured 3 layoffs, lost 2 homes, and seen several relationships break apart. I've lost wallets, broke cellphones, computers... I'd like to think all because of you. Oh, how I love you every bit as much as you love me...

Let's take a deep breath, Ahhhhh, we can all resume our normal lives.

Though it usually takes about 3 more weeks for everything to get back to normal, today is a special day because it is the very final day of the first of 3 mercury-retrograde periods of 2007.

For those of you unfamiliar with the concept of Mercury-Retrograde, allow me to explain. Every 3 months or so, due to the alignment of the houses in the sky, or an optical illusion, or I'm not even really that sure... Mercury appears to orbit backwards across our night sky for a 3 week period. Symbolically, in Astrology, this is a period of regression usually centering around matters of communication. Several of my friends and I fear this period. It's a time when the party ends, the music stops, and we all run and hide in our homes, under our blankets, untill it passes. To sum up what happens, everything that could go wrong, goes wrong.

To make matters worse, each retrogradal period has it's own meaning. The retrogrades of this year happen to occur during the air -> water-sign months, meaning: All things EMOTIONAL that could go wrong, will go wrong... all EMOTIONALLY-centered communication will suffer static. It's a bad bad sign.

Below are some specifics from two websites, they'll help me to elaborate

"Starting with the
Mercury retrograde in February/March 2007, our emotional connection with our spiritual self will be reviewed and then we will look back to the air sign of Aquarius, ruling humanity. We will begin to refocus our connection to others according to the intuitive and spiritual connections we have. This adjustment will have many varied events that prompt us to review our spiritual blueprint and how we are integrating our own spiritual directions with those of others."


"We experience important and major transitions during the Mercury retrogrades in 2007. Because 2007 is universally a NINE year (in numerology), signifying a time of completion and endings, the Mercury retrograde process becomes important in the adjustments required for our journey through the end of the NINE-year cycle – that started in 1999 – to bring issues to closure and final completion. Mercury retrograde provides the opportunity to adjust our thoughts, attitudes and decisions about our old direction and clear the decks for our new direction to emerge as we move toward 2008. The adjustments that are slated to occur in 2007 are in Air and Water signs.

These signs of the zodiac and relates to our inner emotional and spiritual world and the mental adjustments that need to change at this time. The purpose of Mercury retrograde is to review and revise our life and our connection with reality. The timing of this universe is geared toward the Sun as it moves through the zodiac. Mercury has an orbit that at times gets ahead of the Sun allowing us to look into the future toward new and innovative ideas. However, we cannot continue in that vein until we come back to the present designated by the Sun and put our new ideas into manifestation. During the time that Mercury jumps ahead, we ultimately have to bring the ideas back into the present to test and evaluate to see how they fit into our life. As Mercury retrogrades back into the present, the connection with the Sun happens as we test drive our ideas and re-align with reality and the natural timing of the universe.

The Mercury retrogrades that are occurring this year (2007) provide the opportunities for us to make mental and emotional adjustments during the Mercury retrograde time frames. These adjustments will be very necessary as they allow us to make major changes, emphasizing completions and endings, as we go through the NINE year of transitions of 2007."

Now I know those excerpts don't sound so scary, in fact there's a lot of positivity for once in those retrogradal translations... but review your last 3 weeks. Tell me if anything has gone wrong for you emotionally (that might have started within a 3-week window before Feb-13th), or think about what your friends might have said to you about what's going on with them. Just you wait. Read a little more about it by entering it into google. Try to measure up past retrogradal periods w/moments of woe in your life. You'll be creeped out by what you find. I promise...

I think the next one happens right during Gay Pride...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good one babe. I plan to write a list of all the weird shit that occurred on mine at some point.